Thursday, January 1, 2009

Homeschooling progress

We have gotta get back on track with our schoolwork. Dusty has learned to read some words. He knows most of the family's names. He just realized the other day that he could count all the way to 100. He was counting and he got to 30 and he was so excited. He said, "Mama, I counted to 30!" And I said, "Well, you could probably count to 100 if you wanted to." So, he tried and he's been counting ever since. I think he's gonna be a little math whiz because he's crazy about numbers and adding and stuff.
He has learned to play Jesus Loves Me on the piano and has played it at church which I think is pretty amazing considering I just started taking lessons this past summer myself! He's learning the books of the Bible. He gets stuck at Esther, though. Hopefully, we can get past that soon so we can move on!
He asked me the other day why the sun doesn't warm us up in the winter like it does in the summer.
Winter sun Pictures, Images and Photos
He's five! I don't remember thinking like that when I was five! I told my husband I was afraid that I would have to take college classes just to get him through middle school LOL! He loves nature and critters. I'm so glad that God has instilled a love for creation in him. So many kids seem to care less about the world we live in.
love creator love creation Pictures, Images and Photos
After writing all this, it seems like we may not be as far off schedule as I thought we were by looking at our records. I found this over at and this seems like the appropriate place to share it:
"A well-educated child is one who knows and loves the Lord their God with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength; and loves their neighbor as themselves. That's not proven by a standardized test score, but demonstrated daily in a life lived in obedience and service to Him." I wrote this quote on an index card and hung it up on our bulletin board for me to see everyday. That's the very essence of my prayers for my son's education!


Anwen said...

I was homeschooled for most of my education, and your quote is similiar to what my mother told me. She wanted us to know math so we could function in society, to be able to read so we could read the Bible for ourselves, and to be able to write and speak so that we could communicate our faith clearly. The rest is all extra. (By the way, we did a whole lot extra) Anyways, great quote!

Unknown said...

Thanks, I loved it! I've been reading your domestic economy posts. It's kind of slow reading but I know that all the points I have read so far, like getting more fresh air and exercise, are things that we should be doing. Thanks for coming by my blog! And, I'm glad to see you turned out alright with the homeschooling LOL!