Monday, July 29, 2013

Prayers for our military

July 23

A dream woke me up this morning. I was in a room in the shadows. A man was spotlighted at the front of the room. He was in uniform and was slumped over a table. Then, a man appeared behind him (a prophet, maybe) and said "help him". Then, I saw lots of other people in the room with me and someone started clapping. Then, we all started clapping and cheering and the man in uniform started slowly getting up.

I woke up with tears in my eyes. I believe that man in uniform represents our military today and I believe God sent me that dream because our military needs our support! They are working for a government that seems to care little about them but truly they are working for us, me, you, our children, our children's children! Let's show them WE THE PEOPLE CARE!!!! I'll be the first to admit that I haven't prayed for them enough but I don't have to stay that way. I choose to commit myself to praying for and supporting our military! Will you join me?

Soldier's Prayer by Bucky Thomas


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