Monday, July 29, 2013

UPDATED: Low Carbing

Several months ago, I started following Wheat Belly by Dr. Davis. I thought, at the time, that I only had to rid myself of wheat to follow the Wheat Belly lifestyle. I simply substituted potato flour and rice flour for my wheat flour so I could still have my biscuits and spaghetti, etc. The older followers let me know very quickly that all grains were considered poison and to be avoided at all costs. My response was literally "How is this country girl supposed to have her beans and cornbread without corn???" So, I gave up and gave in to my carb cravings without another thought. I have been a total carb junkie! Last Sunday night, I had spaghetti sandwiches (spaghetti on white bread) for supper!!! Talk about carb overload!

Well, in the meantime, I've been following Healthy Living How To by Vanessa Romero for a while and she promotes a low carb lifestyle for good health. Suddenly, last Tuesday, it finally struck me that this is the lifestyle I need! God's timing! I have been researching natural cures for PCOS, IBS, and fibromyalgia. Every thing I have read for all three show that a low carb diet is highly beneficial for relief of symptoms!  I immediately quit eating any grains, no bread, no cereal, no pasta, no corn, no potatoes, and no sugar or artificial sweeteners. I can eat all the eggs, meat, and vegetables I want and a little fruit. I have been drinking only water or coffee and tea sweetened with Stevia which is an all natural sweetener that does not affect glucose like artificial sweeteners do. I've read that an acceptable low carb diet plan is 50-150g a day but I have been working really hard to keep my carbs below even that at around 30g a day.

Who knew bacon and eggs was a better for you breakfast than cereal or oatmeal.... but it really is! The glucose spikes and crashes from all the carbs in the average American diet is what's making us unhealthy!!!! I've always heard people talk about my granddaddy lived on bacon and fresh lard and etc etc but if you'll think about it, they didn't have all the processed junk that we have today that is full of what.... starch and carbs!!!

Today is day 6 of my low carbing lifestyle and.... I feel fantastic!!!! I was going to weigh tomorrow at a week but I couldn't wait.... I've lost 4 pounds already! The last time I wore the pants I'm wearing today was a couple of months ago and they were a little bit uncomfortable but they fit perfectly today! So happy happy happy!!!!!

With my PCOS, I have been praying hard for another baby but I have learned that, even if I do get pregnant, I have a high risk of miscarriage at any time during the pregnancy which is certainly not something I want to have to deal with. My prayer is that, through this lifestyle, God will bless me with not only relief of my PCOS symptoms but also with a healthy pregnancy and birth!

Update: 3 weeks today and I've lost 9 pounds! I can't keep my wedding rings on my finger anymore so I wear them on a necklace! I feel so much better! I've been walking every day and even jogging and running just a little bit,,, can't wait to see what this next week brings! 


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