Friday, November 21, 2008


1 Timothy 2:8-10
I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

In the garden of Eden, after Adam & Eve's sin, they realized their nakedness and they made fig leaf aprons for themselves. When the Lord found them, there they were, their shame on full display. The Lord then killed an animal and made coats of skins and covered them. The world says, "If you got it, you may as well flaunt it." But, the Lord says, "COVER YOURSELVES!!!" These fleshly bodies are NOTHING to be proud of that we should walk around with them on display. They are our shame!!! The plunging necklines, the shrinking hemline, and the clinging fabrics that the world wears today have no business on the child of God. People have so immersed themselves in the world with its ideas of beauty and fashion that we can't even go to church anymore for a reprieve. Even in the church, a person who is trying to remain modest has to almost sit with their heads down to keep from seeing something that ought not to be seen in public! We have splits up to there and necklines down to there and push up bras that make things do things they should NEVER do!! Why??? Why do we value the approval of man so much that we ignore the word of God so blatantly on this matter? What's more important to you, the approval of a lustful, fallen man whose righteousness is as filthy rags before the Lord or the blessed approval of the Lord God Almighty???

Which do you aim to edify with your manner of dress: flesh or spirit? Galatians 5:19 says this: "Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness," so the opposite, or works of the spirit, would be chastity, purity, and modesty. The only way to gain this spirit of modesty is to turn away from this world with its idols of fleshly beauty and sexuality, turn off the TV with its shows that romanticize a life of sinful fulfilling of fleshly desires, and run to the Lord. Embrace His holiness, immerse yourself in His holy word. Stop believing the lies of Satan that let you rationalize the word of God to the point that you can say certain passages aren't applicable for today and the lies that tell you that if a person looks at you with lust, then it's their own sin. We ARE responsible for the sins of others when we cause them to stumble. Remember, it was Bathsheba's son that was taken, too, not just David's.

Stop obeying the flesh, people, we know the end of that road if we know God's word!!! Start heeding the word of God! If Satan can instill a grain of doubt in us over one word of scripture, we will never know the peace that comes from obeying the Lord. Our flesh is enmity with God, we cannot serve two masters. When you got up this morning and you chose your clothes for the day, which master did you choose to serve? I hope it was the right one. If not, I pray that the Lord would instill in you a desire to serve Him in everything you do and say, that He would give you that spirit of modesty and purity, and that He would allow you to use your body only to please the one He gives to you in marriage.

May this word go forth and be used to bring honor and glory to the Lord God Almighty! God bless and Agape, Annie


Barbara said...

Wow!!! I just came across your blogsite through "The Simple Woman" and I just love your boldness for the Lord. You've manage to put into words what I've been thinking for a long time. Thanks!! Can I print this out and share it?

Barbara said...

Thanks for dropping by; that was so sweet of you to leave a note and your beautiful follower icon. I love to write about things concering my walk with God and intermingle them with the wholesome things of normal life...

Living in Southern California in the summer makes it easy for girls to forget about the importance of a certain degree of modesty. Most are pretty good, but some, Dear Lord, I don't know what they're thinkin'! I'll pass a copy of your blog along to the girl's youth leader... Thanks!