Thursday, June 11, 2015

God's Time is Not Our Time

God's time is not our time. Maybe God has given you a vision for ministry and you are absolutely certain of His call on your life. Just because He has told you that you're going to do something, that doesn't mean you're ready to do it right away. God told me when I was 13 years old that my future husband and I would serve in ministry together. Very soon after my husband was saved 7 years ago, he felt a call on his life and we thought it was time to begin. We spent money we didn't have, went to places that God didn't tell us to go, and got so discouraged and beaten down that we gave up. We rushed ahead of God's time and suffered the consequences, even to the point of almost losing our marriage! Knowing that I had heard from God, I couldn't help but wonder what we had done wrong. Seeking His heart for our lives, I believe He has shown me two perfect examples in His Word. First, I think of Joseph, to whom God gave the dreams of his brothers bowing down to him. He then spent many years in servitude himself before God finally used him to save his brothers, the twelve tribes of Israel, including the tribe of Judah, out of which Jesus was born! Oh, but then I think of Jesus! He came to this earth knowing for what purpose He was here. But, His ministry didn't begin until he was around 30 years old. He didn't spend His time wondering why God didn't get the show on the road already or trying to rush ahead of His Father's timing. The Bible says in Luke 2:52, "Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man." If you feel that God has called you to a certain ministry or position and things just don't seem to be coming together, maybe you're in a growing season, a season of preparation. Don't begrudge this season. Look to Jesus as your example. Embrace the time that God has given you to grow in wisdom and favor! I know I am! Awaiting Him, Annie <3

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