Monday, February 15, 2010

God's Still Working On Me!

For those of you who know me well, you will know that, about 5 years ago, I chose to change the way I dressed. I began wearing only long skirts and dresses as well as not "fixing myself up" in the name of modesty. Recently, I have begun wearing some makeup and jewelry again, I cut my bangs and just generally started trying to look nicer. That being said, I still hold to the scripture that says women should adorn themselves in modest apparel. However, my views of what exactly this means (for me) has changed.

As a wife who has, at times, needed to help my husband in the field, I have hung on to a few pairs of jeans as I see no modesty or practicality in walking up and down a fence row in a long skirt. I have also always loved to run around the house in my pajamas or sweat pants. Now, my husband never minded the skirts but I noticed he always complimented me when I would put my jeans on to go to work with him. So, a couple of weeks ago, I got up one cold, windy, damp morning and knew that we had errands to run. I had asked the Lord to lead and guide every decision we made that day. Out of the blue, while looking in my closet for something to wear, I decided I did not want to wear a skirt with leggings and leg warmers and all that it entails in trying to stay warm in a skirt! Not to mention the lack of weather-appropriate footwear that looks decent with skirts. I never liked the tennis shoes with skirts look! Anyway, knowing I had a perfectly good pair of jeans hanging in the other closet, I chose to wear them that day. My hubby complimented me, as he always had and asked what brought on my decision. I told him I wasn't sure yet but I wanted to experiment.

Well, here's what I've discovered, within myself. I believe that God has led me on this journey from the beginning as a process of molding me into what He would have me be, which is certainly not a completed process. I have gone from a woman who dressed to gain the approval of men to a woman who strives to please the Lord first and, then, my husband in everything that I do. I went from being very prideful in my appearance to knowing that this flesh is nothing to be proud of. I also believe that I have let my long skirts speak for me. By that, I mean that I have not told others about Jesus when I know I should have. I have let them see my appearance and hoped that they knew what I stood for. I have learned, however, that rather than feeling the love of Christ, some people felt themselves being judged without me saying a word. I've never tried to say that all women should wear long skirts and, for those of you who do, I'm not saying now that you shouldn't. Reading Romans 14:20-22, I feel that our convictions are personal and that what's best for one person is not what's best for all. God has allowed me to become friends with some very wise, godly women on both sides. He has also allowed me to become friends with some very wise godly men who don't look anything like the church would have them to. In the words of one such man whom I have grown to love and appreciate dearly, he's not a "cookie-cutter christian". And, I'm okay with that! He always makes me think of how John the Baptist must have looked to the temple priests when he came out of the wilderness. In Matthew 3:4, it says, "John's clothes were made of camel's hair, and he had a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey." Certainly not a cookie-cutter christian, but he was chosen to prepare the way for the Lord, as is my friend.

I still believe that we should keep ourselves covered and not wear clothes that are revealing in a sexual way. That sort of thing should be only between a woman and her husband, not for the whole world to see. That's why God killed the animals in Genesis to cover Adam & Eve. I sincerely hope that I have not offended anyone in any way. And, I hope that you'll not be offended by my decision to only wear clothes that I like and that I feel good in from now on. Paul said, in 1 Corinthians chapter 2, he knew nothing but Christ and Him crucified. Isn't that the most important thing? I don't care what you look like or what you've done, His blood is sufficient to cover all sins and His grace sufficient to see us through all trials. Jesus loves you!!!! Annie


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